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David Kalb (U.S.A.)




Written by David Kalb
Saturday, 21 August 2010 13:35

1 GUY, 4 AMAZING BASKETBALL SHOTS: David Kalb, who beat LeBron James at HORSE, shows off all of his skills, including a no-look, off-the-wall, over-a-semi-truck shot.


I entered the Kia Soul Who’s next challenge and my video was chosen as one of the top 8. The top 4 vote getters move on in the competition for a chance to win $10,000.


You can vote once a day and voting ends on monday. The top 4 vote getters then make another video, people vote, top two vote getters make another video, people vote.


Please check out the following links:







TRICK SHOTS: Shot from the Moon…

Written by David Kalb
Wednesday, 02 December 2009 03:02


Just another trick shot…



Written by David Kalb
Saturday, 05 December 2009 18:25




RUCKER PARK 2009: Adrian Walton vs AMP

Written by David Kalb
Saturday, 05 December 2009 13:33



AMP takes on Adrian “A Butta” Walton in a one-on-one shootout at Harlem’s famous Rucker Park. Many Professional and Streetball Legends have graced this court, Wilt Chamberlin, Kobe Bryant, Baron Davis, PeeWee Kirkland, Rafer “Skip to My Lou” Alston…..and now AMP!






Pros vs Joes

Written by David Kalb
Saturday, 05 December 2009 04:03



Here is a picture taken of me playing H.O.R.S.E at Rucker Park in New York City.  I’m participating in a viral ad campaign for Amp’d Energy Drink. Once the video is up I will post a link. The goal is 1 million views.


Hello all, I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything, but it’s been a very busy summer.


It’s been nearly a year since I beat Lebron in H.O.R.S.E., and luckily this feat continues to offer me priceless opportunities.  I mentioned in my last post that I was on Spike TV’s Pros vs Joes but didn’t go into much detail because it had just happened, so here is a recap of what went down.  For those of you not familiar with the show, it consistis of “regular joes”, like myself, competing against former professional athletes.  In my case I was teamed up with two other “Joes” (Edward and Zeke) and we went head to head with Alonzo Mourning, Robert Horry, and Antoine Walker.  This was a team competition and the fact that our tallest guy was 6’7″, followed by Edward at 6’4″, and myself at 6’1″, put us at a severe disadvantage.  The format of the show includes 3 team challenges followed by a 5 minute game of 3 on 3.  for each challenge that the “Joes” win, they receive 3 points at the beginning of the final game.  If the “Joes” win the game of 3 on 3 they receive $10,000.


Below I have posted a link to the full episode, but here is a description of each of the challenges, along with some important notes.


Challenge #1  “In Your Face” – Alonzo Mourning stands in the paint, while my fellow “Joes” and I stand around the 3-point line.  We can pass the ball around as much as we want, but the moment one of us crosses the 3-point line with the ball we must shoot a shot in the lane.  If we make 3 shots before he blocks 3 shots, we win.  Missed shots don’t count as anything.  You’ll have to watch the show to see what happens.


Challenge #2  “Buzzer Beater” – Each team takes the ball out on the sideline with 3 seconds on the clock.  Which ever team scores the most points wins.  If you commit a foul, the other team gets to redo the possession and 1 second is added to the clock.  Once again, you’ll have to watch the show to see what happens.


Challenge #3 “J.O.E.” – Instead of H.O.R.S.E this is a game of J.O.E between Antoine Walker and myself and this is where I get bitter.  The show leaves out a couple of very important shots to make it look like Antoine beat me J.O.E to J.  This is what really happened.  Walker was up J.O to J after the dunk.  He eventually missed a shot and it was my turn.  I did a shot where I through it off a bar above the hoop, caught it in the air, and put it in.  Walker attempted the shot but threw a bad alley-oop off of the bar, didn’t time his jump right, and was unable to get the shot off before his feet hit the ground.  I was excited because it was all tied up…so i thought.  The producers of the show intervened claiming that he never attempted his shot so he should get a redo.  As much as I complained, there was nothing I could do.  On Walker’s second attempt he did the exact same thing.  They gave him a third chance, and he finally made it.  Immediately after that I banked in a free throw and Walker missed it, which should have been J.O.E. for him.  Of course this was not considered very important when it came time to edit the show.


Final Challenge 3 on 3 – 5 minute game with a 15 second shot clock.

Here is the link to the complete episode:


I am grateful for being on the show because it was a lot of fun and it was a chance to put my basketball skills to the test against some of the best, but it did take me a week or so to get over the whole J.O.E. thing.  For those of you wondering if Alonzo Mourning was as big of a jerk as he appeared to be, the answer is YES.  Whether the cameras were rolling or not, he was an idiot.  Robert Horry was cool, Antoine Walker was EXTREMELY cool, and Alonzo Mourning was a HUGE baby/jerk/bitch.  I would love to hear what other NBA players have to say about him because I’m sure it isn’t good.






Introduction and Ramblings
Wednesday, 22 April 2009 04:05


Introduction and Ramblings


Hello all from sunny California and thank you for letting me contribute to the site.  Here’s a quick intro about me.  I live in the Los Angeles area but I’m a huge Cavs fan.  I was born and raised on a farm in rural Ohio and grew up watching my Dad dominate the local recreational league.  I’ve played basketball my whole life, and even though I have not made a career out of it, it has led to many opportunities for me, including playing in tournaments in Spain and Hong Kong, playing and beating Lebron James in H.O.R.S.E, and competing against former NBA players on the new season of “Pro’s vs Joes”.


The first round of the NBA playoffs is underway and this is what i think of each team.




Dallas Mavericks – they’re getting old.  Dirk needs to quit flopping.  I still can’t believe they traded Devin Harris for Jason Kidd.  Worst trade of 2008.


San Antonio Spurs – they’re really getting old.  without Ginobli they don’t have a chance.  Tony Parker is really fast and I’m pretty sure his wife wants me.


Denver Nuggets – Billups makes them ten times better but they’ll never beat the Lakers unless they start counting tattoos as points.


New Orleans Hornets – Doesn’t matter, they can’t beat the Lakers


Utah Jazz – Their coach is the best defender on the team.  too bad he’s 70 years old.  Deron Williams is a stud.


Houston Rockets – Yao.


Portland Trailblazers – Doesn’t matter, they can’t beat the Lakers.  Greg Oden looks like he’s 50 years old.


Los Angeles Lakers –  Nobody in the western conference stands a chance against them.  They’re too big and they have one of the deepest benches in the league.




Philadelphia 76ers – Who cares, they can’t beat the Cavs.


Detroit Pistons – Old


Miami Heat – Dwayne Wade is ridiculous but the team is too young


Boston Celtics –  I hate the Celtics


Atlanta Hawks – They have the best chance of any team in the Eastern Conference to compete with the Cleveland Cavs because they have so many scoring options and are so athletic.


Orlando Magic – Their coach looks like Ron Jeremy.  Injuries and lack of playoff experience will be their downfall.


Chicago Bulls – I was so upset after they lost to the Celtics last night, i decide to write a letter to them.  Here it is.


Dear Chicago Bulls,


Derek Rose is amazing.  Ben Gordon is clutch.  Brad Miller is terrible.  If Joakim Noah has another mental fart after nearly costing you two games in the final seconds, you should cut off all of his hair and make him eat it.




David Kalb


Cleveland Cavs – Congrats to Mike Brown for winning coach of the year.  Even though he has no idea how to run an offense you have to give him credit for having the number one defense in the league.  Hopefully this year is the first of many MVP awards (both regular season and finals) for King James. Like most people i believe there is  no doubt the the Cavs and Lakers will meet in the finals.


Hopefully it’s not decided by a game of H.O.R.S.E.


David Kalb is a warehouse worker who leads The H.O.R.S.E. series vs LeBron James by 2:1



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