G/F Bojan Bogdanovic (photo by Cibona.com)
After the Nets used a series of draft day swaps and landed Croatian swingman Bojan Bogdanovic (6’7”/1989) ESPN analyst Chad Ford labelled the move as “a steal for the Nets, perhaps one of the biggest steals of the (Draft) night.”
Brandon Putre/Bleacherreport.com wrote that “The ever sneaky GM Billy King should be locked up for the theft he committed to open the second round of the draft.”
The same site goes even further in recognizing Bogdanovic’s potential trade value and builds up a trade theory that Bojan could help Nets in bringing over Orlando’s superstar Dwight Howard (!).
Independent basketball expert close to CroHoops.com grades Bogdanovic “as the new millennium version of the legendary Nets SG Drazen Petrovic, who enjoys to excel, but who will need to demonstrate the same level of desire and determination in order to be successful in the NBA. He will need to work, day in and day out to prove that he belongs to that level.”
The amount of publicity Bogdanovic received in the last couple of days is just incredible. New Jersey Nets organization as well as their community are becoming more and more aware they have landed one of the most intriguing European basketball prospects besides Rubio, Vesely, Mirotic…
But it seems that the Nets organization and the fans will have to wait for a couple of years. According to 24sata.hr/Ivan Zuric Bogdanovic has firmly decided to stay on European soil: “I will work off two years of my contract with Fenerbahce and then we shall see. I want to play in Europe, continue to improve, there is time for NBA…”
Today, Nets will introduce all three of their 2011 Draft picks, including Bogdanovic, who has already spoken (VIDEO) with the New Jersey Nets related media after one of his predraft workouts.